How Does our Brain Know When to Eat and When to Stop?

The regulation of food intake is a complex concert of signals from different parts of our body, working together with our biological clock, and of course, our brain. Those signals (or messages) indicate for example whether our stomach is full or empty, if we have energy incoming, or how much energy we have stored in our fat cells. Eating also needs to be pleasurable. But who is coordinating all these different signals?

Obesity: An Overview

‘You just need to burn more calories than you consume’, or ‘Just eat less and move more’, are sentences that probably almost every obese person can recall hearing at least once in their lifetime. Since these recommendations sound very straightforward, it should be easy to realize them. Yet, we are witnessing a worldwide increase in the prevalence of obesity, and it is becoming a major global health concern. Learn more about the prevalence, causes, and complications of obesity in this post!